One-to-One Session with Ebti

£295 50 minutes

Bespoke Healing Session – 50 minutes

Ebti is a successful Entrepreneur, compassionate spiritual guide and healer.

Ebti has excellent experience working in the public eye as a model/influencer and in large networking events where she has come across people from all walks of the earth, different cultures and backgrounds.

Her soul purpose is to help raise the frequency of the planet by aligning people with their spiritual path and purpose.

Ebti works with the angels and has dedicated years of awakening her spiritual and psychic abilities through meditation, traveling the world and her practice of astral projection. Since beginning her Divine Empowerment journey, with her psychology and criminology background, Ebti has helped many people evolve and heal.

Now as a top level 16 Divine Empowerment practitioner Ebti can guide you on your journey to heal emotional, spiritual, mental and physical, trauma and dis-ease.

Click HERE to learn more about Ebti