Antonia Live: Erasing ALL Fear & Trauma!


Embark on a transformative healing journey with Antonia as she guides you through eliminating ALL fear and trauma. Fear is a master emotion, and every negative emotion stems from it—be it grief, guilt, shame, jealousy, or rejection.

Follow along, visualise your trauma, and feel your emotions.

Get ready for this powerful, cutting-edge experience as Antonia dissolves your troubles away. During this session, you will be asked to grade your fear and trauma level from 1 to 10. We will then go through five rounds of healing, deleting your energetic resonance with fear and trauma.

You will emerge with less mind chatter, anxiety, fear, and stress. You may even become joyful and giggly. Physical aches and pains may also lessen as they did for Janice, whose hip pain completely vanished.

Don’t miss this paradigm-shifting healing!