Highlights level one info

Hey gorgeous tribe,

How goes it?

I wanted to let you know that I’m teaching highlights level 1, in London and via video conference in around a months’ time, on the 30th August – 1st September. As it’s coming up soon I thought that I should let you know a little more about it.

I was asked a question by a potential student. How does the class differs from other peoples work etc. Below is that transcript.

“I agree that less is more, and as we progress through the levels there are less techniques as I favour the really hard-hitting ones. Having said that the highlights level 1 class is the best of 3 classes combined into one. There is a lot of ground to cover with regards to awakening. A number of the energies are fun and playful to really engage with energy viscerally. They can also be taught by you. This class really caters for both people who have some experience and a newbie.

The jewel in the crown is the introduction to the big eraser, where we can start to dissolve the emotional energy that holds trauma in place. Long standing issues, holding us back, can be dissolved instantly. That’s really the reason to come and what’s unique about me, as I don’t know of any other instant trauma release classes, let alone at the first level.

The other thing that makes my work a little different, from what you may have come across,is that I practice higher level magic. Most work is lower (this is not a judgment or my term). Lower level magic uses an intermediary such as a spell, a being, a remedy, symbols, some technique to assist in the work.
Higher is a little different in that it removes the blockages preventing you from doing things, to bring you more into alignment with your divine self. I see us as gods incarnate with a ton of blocks. I help lift some of those. So when using the Divine Empowerment work there is no real process. You just intend or think to do the technique and it just happens. It’s so simple its almost confusing. This is also why I do lots of exercises as it does take a minute to get used to. It’s also all pretty much instant.

I guess less is more unless the more is all nourishing and then more is more.   I’m working to facilitate awakening as fast as possible. I could also put this class back into the original 15 days but the awakening mission is my dharma and efficiency is my middle name.

Level 1 highlights include:-

  • Meditation tools. This will teach you to drop into stillness instantly.
  • Dowsing. How to use a pendulum.
  • Hooks/ Evil Eye identifying and clearing. We can be affected by others thoughts, or shared trauma. Time to spring clean. Regular maintenance will make for a happier you.
  • The Big Eraser. To instantly dissolve emotional trauma in yourself and others. The Big Eraser is really the jewel in the Divine Empowerment crown. As you progress through the levels, this energy will be upgraded for deeper and deeper work. In level 1, it can be used on specific traumas, a solo situation, to dissolve the stagnation of heavy emotions. The memory will remain factual but neutral, the pain erased forever. In later levels you will learn to dissolve long standing emotional pain and even depression.
  • Instant pain relief. Bill McKenna technique.
  • Multiple fun energies that can be taught to and shared with friends e.g. how to change the taste of wine using magic. It’s the ultimate party trick!
  • Chakra Master Blaster. To upgrade and activate your chakra system.
  • Some one to one personal work from me where needed.

If you are interested, I will offer group complementary skype sessions over the coming weeks to really put my money where my mouth is and to show you what I can do. So please get in touch if that is something that resonates with you.

Have a wonderful weekend,

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