One-to-One Healing Session with Erin

£295 50 minutes

Bespoke Healing Session – 50 minutes

Erin is a skilled Top Level Divine Empowerment Practitioner, who specializes in dissolving emotional trauma and bringing the physical, emotional, and energetic bodies into balance. She gracefully supports individuals to free them from fears, phobias, and mental loops that keep them from enjoying their life. Erin uses her intuitive gifts to see, feel, and hear information to facilitate clearing the emotions related to the issue.

Erin brings a unique perspective to her healing techniques with a scientific background, which includes a MSc in Forensic Sciences and a BS in Biology and Zoology, with minors in Chemistry and Human Anatomy. One of the areas Erin specializes in is issues associated with victims of violence and those who have served in the military. Additionally, she is certified as a Master Metaphysician and has been working in the energy healing field for over 25 years, using a variety of techniques, such as Color & Sound Healing, Light Energization, and Psychic Spiritual Integration.