Hey Tribe,
How are things? I trust you had a glorious week?
Today I wanted to tell you about a client I have been working on. Frank is an old friend who was in the military for 11 years. He is now a fireman. He has seen terrible things for prolonged periods of time, dropped off in war zones for 8 months at a time. Limbs and dead bodies in every direction. Devastation, civilians really can’t comprehend. More recently he was on the ground at Grenville fighting the fire.
He has seen more death than any man should. His 2 best friends died in combat. He carried a tremendous amount of grief both from that as well as from the passing of his grandfather. He was engulfed with negative thoughts and despair. Night terrors, insomnia. That negative nagging voice telling him he is unworthy, will never achieve, shouting at him constantly, gnawing away at his self-esteem. He was at an all time low. Addiction was beginning to overwhelm. Lost in hopelessness. He has just joined AA, and is seeking psychotherapy.
I have known Frank for 20 years and offered my help countless times. I admit, I didn’t know quite how severe it had become. I had explained what I do, and let’s face it, it sounds bonkers.
I use energy to clear stagnated trauma. I see emotion or e-motion as I like to call it, simply as a bubble or fog of energy surrounding a memory. I just ask clients to tell me the headline best suited to their trauma. No further details are required. Then they think about whatever happened and feel it, they really need to feel it, if they don’t I can’t help. They must open the door and drop into the pain. It can be pretty raw, tears are common. One last time they need to allow the grief, sadness, betrayal, whatever it might be, to bubble up.
Once they are sitting in the emotion, I can simply dissolve their pain. I call it the big eraser. If addictive or negative thoughts are part of their psyche I use ‘taking out the trash’. This tends to vastly reduce the self-deprecating chatter.
I have been wanting to help Frank for years. My work, being so ahead of the curve, sounds nuts to most people unless of course they have had some experience of it. It’s a totally different way of approaching trauma.
What a difference a day makes.
I worked though the grief surrounding the passing of his grandfather, as well as the 2 friends who died in combat. Totally cleared the upset around those issues. Neutralizing, or rather dissolving, the pain surrounding those memories.
I then decided to go in even stronger. There was still a huge fog of grief surrounding him. I assume that is true for many in the military. They are often deployed for 6-8 months at a time, dropped off in a warzone. The fragility of their own mortality glaring them in the face. People literally trying to kill them, plus all the death and destruction around them. They come back “battle hardened” changed and deeply traumatised.
So, me being me, I decided to just clear it all. All that grief in one fell swoop. It was heavy going as you can well imagine. We were both absolutely exhausted at the end of the session. He felt a lot lighter.
Two days on this is what he had to say:-
“I slept amazing, really deep nice sleep. Also, no bad thoughts through the night, very impressed very happy. A few bad thoughts in the day but nowhere near as bad as before. A lot calmer and more relaxed.”
We are not done yet, this was just one session.
I’m excited about his progress, I hope I will be able to help more of the armed forces, as well as the fire brigade. Their sacrifice is tremendous, there is no need for them to continue to suffer.
Have an amazing week,